So, yesterday I was putting a load of laundry in the washer and I was thinking about one of the things I do that saves us a bit of money (I had also just read it in a book.).
Now, it isn't the obvious thing of washing your clothes in cold water. Oh No! I don't quite wash my clothes all in cold water as it doesn't quite make total sense to me even though I have read in numerous places that it is a good energy, and therefore, money saving tip. I have a top load washer, so to compromise, while I am filling up the washer, which usually takes me a couple of minutes, I turn my washer on to the setting of Warm/Cold. Then when I am done filling and adding detergent I turn it to Cold/Cold. Ta da! Clothes washed mostly in cold water with some warm water for my peace of mind.
So, to my main tip which is on adding detergent and that is take a look at your bottle of laundry detergent. If you're like me you buy your detergent based on the best cost/load. Well, when you get home look at the measuring cap. Find the lines – usually there will be 1, 2 and the top of the cap which is way above the lines. Then look at the bottle and find the small print that states what fill line the manufacturer used to estimate the number of loads. Fill the cap to that line and you will use the right amount of laundry detergent and, theoretically, get the number of loads on the bottle. Now if you were filling it to the top of the cap that is quite a significant savings.