If you are not that much into budgeting or find it too hard, this is a way to run your money that has worked for me for many years in the past...
When you get paid, take a piece of paper and write the amount of your paycheque at the top. The happy part is done. Then deduct all the expenses that you know are going to come out before you get paid again. If you aren't sure what those are, take a look at last month on your internet bank account, during the same time period as this paycheque. The remainder is spending. So, income less bills = spending on everything else.
For Example:
Paycheque $2,000
Mortgage/Rent $600
Vehicle Insurance $200
2nd Vehicle Insurance $300
Cell Phone Bill $50
Power Bill $75
Loans, Credit Cards $200
Savings $100
TOTAL $1,525
REMAINING $475 - This is your amount to spend before the next paycheque. It covers everything else you have to buy, ex. Gas, groceries, personal care, fun stuff.
If you think this amount isn't big enough, you either need to make more money, find a way to lower those bills you must pay, or spend less. These are the things that MUST be paid. They are not optional.
Pay all those bills right after you get your paycheque to make sure they get paid on time and so you know that the amount in your chequing is the amount you have to spend.
I find this a little easier (but less accurate) than budgeting for each category individually.
I did not put a heat bill in the list as this is only the amounts you knew at that paycheque, if you get paid biweekly, then when you get your heat bill pay it when you get your next cheque. Same goes for home insurance and any other bills you didn't have at the time or that don't get automatically withdrawn until you get paid again.
I find this whole exercise takes about 5 minutes and an internet connection to look at your bank account. I stick it to the fridge. Mentally and by watching the bank account, I am able to make sure we are not spending more than we make.
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