Monday, 27 June 2011


Let me just put this short and sweet, use them. 

Ok, now that I've told you that, let me tell you why I like them so much.  I want to research a topic...  I like to look at a book, rather than the internet.  Yes, I'm old fashioned!  So, I go to the library, sign out two or three books on the topic, come home.  Read the books, keep the one I like for the full time or if I really like it I'll even renew it.  Now I've researched my topic for free....  Book clubs and libraries get along well together.  You're not sure you'll enjoy all the books, so sign them out, read them and then return them.  If you really, really like one of them, buy it.  At least you'll, know it will be a book you enjoy.

The other thing I sometimes do is sign out a book on, for example a home renovation project, months before I plan to do it.  Then when I actually plan to do it, I'll sign out the book again.  The library doesn't care that I've signed the same book out twice or three times...

I am a reader.  I enjoy reading, especially novels.  However, I own almost no novels.  Why?  Well, mostly because I don't like the clutter and reading can distract me from what I really need to do.  So, I use the library.  I also take advantage of friend's libraries.  These are even better than the public library as there is no 3 week or 6 week (if you renew it) limit on keeping the book.  Make sure you DO return the book though.  Also, if a friend has read it and enjoyed it they can recommend the book or help you expand your horizons.  They also will often like the same books that I do, so unlike the public library I know I can trust the books from my friends.

What about the fines?  I see it this way.  I usually end up paying about $2 a year in fines.  The way I see it $2 is a whole lot cheaper than even one book.  So, you pay a few fines, first try and return your books on time (take advantage of email notifications, etc.), however, it's still a whole lot cheaper than buying all those books brand new.  Also, I feel like I am supporting the library buying more books for me (and others) to enjoy.

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